Gerhard Fischer and Hal Eden: “Design, Learning, and Collaboration” — Spring Semester 2006
Assignment 8: Meta-Design
paper: Fischer, G., Giaccardi, E., Ye, Y., Sutcliffe, A. G., & Mehandjiev, N. (2004) "Meta-Design: A Manifesto for End-User Development," Communications of the ACM, 47(9), pp. 33-37.
we continue to split the members of the class into:
1. producers (students giving answers)
2. analyzers and summarizers (students evaluating the answers from the other students)
summarizers for assignment 8
1. Kiril Kireyev
2. Lisa Doan
The summarizers can do their work individually or jointly!
due: Mon, Feb 20
1. producers: please submit by 10:00am to the class website – please be on time, so the “ summarizers” can do their work!
2. summarizers: please submit by 2:00pm to the class website
Briefly discuss the following issues:
1. what do you consider the main message of the article?
2. is meta-design for you
2.1. an interesting concept? why?
2.2. not interesting? why?
3. what do you consider the major technical and social challenges associated with meta-design?
3.1. technical
3.2. social
4. describe your own experience with meta-design? in which domains (not only related to computers) do you see interesting applications of the concept?
5. pick one system of your choice and analyze its meta-design aspects and capabilities? (e.g., Google Earth, Wikipedia, Open Source, Wikis/Swikis, ……. may be interesting candidates)
hw8 min-chieh hung.doc
assign-8-John Lansing-Gary Knoll.doc
CGermain-Assignment 8- meta design.rtf