Design, Learning, and Collaboration -- Spring 2006
Gerhard Fischer (
Hal Eden (
Time: Monday and Wednesday 4:00-5:15 pm
Location: Integrated Teaching and Learning Laboratory (ITLL 1B50)
Hal: 5/1
Posted lecture slides from Yunwen's guest lecture.
Hal: 4/29
Posted lecture notes for guest lecture by Shin'ichi Konomi (see Lecture Material page)
Gerhard: 4/19
- generic feedback for IR provided on course IR page –> check it out
- feedback for the learning group provided on learning IR page –> check it out
- final questionnaire posted (due: May 5th) –> check it out (and you can start working on it at any time)
Gerhard 4/12: slides for 4/12 lecture have been posted
Hal 4/5:
Assignment 13 posted: due 4/10 10am
Gerhard (4/5):
- slides for lecture 4/5 have been posted
Hal (4/3) testing blogging
Gerhard (3/22):
- Midterm Questionnaire has been posted on the Questionnaire page; brief answers due: April 3, 10:00am
- reminder: April 3 - we will discuss IR and Projects (each team will have approximately 20 minutes for their presentations; you can use slides if you want to)
Gerhard (3/20)
- slides for lecture 3/20 have been posted
- slides for lecture 3/22 have been posted
- no assignment in connection with reading for 3/22 – please read paper and check slides
- all groups: please post "IR second progress report" not later than 3/22
Gerhard (3/16)–Assignment 12 has been posted
due Monday, 3/20
Hal (3/14)–Assignment 11 has been posted
Gerhard (3/12)
- slides for lecture on 3/13 have been posted
- be prepared to discuss your project
Gerhard (3/7)
- slides for lecture on 3/8 have been posted
- I have organized the "project page" in the same way as the "independent research page" – each group: please move your contributions inside your page
- be prepared to briefly talk in class on 3/8 about (a) your initial project description (b) your first IR progress report and (c) how the two efforts may be related to each other and how they are different from each other
Gerhard (3/6)
- slides for today's lecture are posted – please check them out
- I have created new pages for your IR projects and provided you with some feedback – please read my comments before class!
Gerhard (2/22):
Guest Lecture on Feb 27 by Elisa Giaccardi
- bring your laptop (just in case)
- check reading assignments in schedule
Assignment 10 (due March 1) is available
Hal (2/20):
Assignment 9 is available.
Gerhard (2/20):
- slides for Feb 20 lectures are available
Gerhard (2/15):
- slides for Feb 15 lectures are available
- assignment 8 available
- schedule for next week: Feb 20: Meta-Design and Feb 22: Role Play in the EDC (meet in the L3D Lab)
- check deadlines in Schedule for Independent Research (IR)
Gerhard (2/13):
- slides for Feb 13 lectures are available
- new assignment 7 available (please notice difference between producers and summarizers)
Gerhard (2/6): – available:
- new schedule
- new assignments 5 and 6
- guidelines for independent research
- guidelines for projects
comment: there are 11 students in the course; we will form 3 groups (2 with 4 students and 1 with 3 students; preferably a mixture between ugrads and grads); the three groups will foucs their work on: design, learning, and collaboration respectively (first come, first serve) – please check these things out
reminder: meeting today (2/6) is in the L3D lab in the DLC 170
Gerhard (2/1):
slides for Feb 1 "Architecture of Complexity" have been posted
Assignment 4 has been posted
Gerhard (1/30):
slides for Jan 30 "Overview of Collaboration" have been posted
check schedule page for updates
Gerhard (1/25):
slides for Jan 25 "Overview of Learning" have been posted
assignment 2 (due Mo, 1/30) has been posted
Hal (1/25): Posted a tip: Discussion: How to "move" an uploaded file
Gerhard (1/23): Slides for Lecture on Jan 23 have been posted
Fixed the file uploads problem. Let me know if you experience any further issues –hal
Homework due Jan 23, 10:00am
1) post questionnaires
2) read
a) “Some Notes about Design” design-brief-notes.pdf
b) posted slides (see Swiki entry "Lecture Material")