This is the Schedule and Syllabus Page.
Schedule for: Doctoral Independent Study — Fall 2006
subject to change
Gerhard Fischer
Wednesday, 10 – 10:50am, Integrated Teaching and Learning Laboratory (ITLL 1B50)
8/30 Introduction to Course
9/6 Topics of Interest (from Questionnaire)
9/13 Topics of Interest — Continued
9/20 Bill Joy: “Why the future doesn't need us” http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/8.04/joy_pr.html Assignment 1
9/27 Don Norman: "In Defense of Cheating” http://www.jnd.org/dn.mss/InDefenseOfCheating.html Assignment 2
10/4 Advanced Graduate Student Panel – Assignment 3
10/11 Discussion of Interviews of Course Participants with Faculty Members – Assignment 4
10/18 Demonstrations: Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory and CLever (in L3D Lab, DLC 170) – Assignment 5
10/25 Globalization and Offshoring of Software — A Report of the ACM Job Migration Task Force http://www.acm.org/globalizationreport/ – Assignment 6
11/1 Derry / Fischer: “Transdisciplinary Graduate Education” – Assignment 7
11/8 Guest Lecture : Bobby Schnabel “ATLAS” – Assignment 8a
11/8 (Wed) Mini-Symposium 1: 7:00pm - 9:30pm – location: L3D Lab (DLC)
Summarize / Assess / Evaluate / Criticize an Existing PhD Thesis in Computer Science (or “Computer Science and X”)
Assignment 10 (pizza will be available at 6:45pm)
11/15 Guest Lecture: Marie Banich “ICS” – Assignment 8b
11/22 Fall Break / ThanksGiving
11/27 (Mo) Mini-Symposium 2: 7:00pm - 9:30pm – location: L3D Lab (DLC)
Write and Post an Abstract for your “Envisioned” PhD Thesis and Present in Class; Assignment 11
11/29 Resources for PhD (online resources, guidelines for writing papers, giving research talks, writingdissertations) –
Assignment 9
12/6 Guest Lecture: Debra Goldberg “Bioinformatics”
12/13 Looking Back (and saying / discussing what has not been said / discussed)
12/15 last day of classes
Mini-Symposium Sessions
Session 1: Wed, Nov 8, 7:00pm - 9:30pm – location: L3D Lab (DLC)
Summarize / Assess / Evaluate / Criticize an Existing PhD Thesis in Computer Science (or “Computer Science and X”)
- time available: 2 1/2/ hours = 150 minutes
- work in groups of 2 –> 9 presentations –> each team get 15 minutes
- see: Assignment 10
- How to give a good research talk: read the following paper: http://www-plan.cs.colorado.edu/diwan/7900-05/giving-a-talk.pdf
Session 2: Mo, Nov 27, 7:00pm - 9:30pm – location: L3D Lab (DLC)
Write and Post an Abstract for your “Envisioned” PhD Thesis and Present in Class
Attendance and assessment of one CS colloquium talk
Course participants are required to attend during the fall semester a minimum of one CS colloquia talks