Learning ― Progress Report
1. Topic
Learning, especially foreign language learning in adults.
2. Changes from the Original Statement
Following Gerhard's advice, we will research the topic from four different aspects:
- the relationship between informal and formal learning
- the relationship between "learning about" and "learning to be"
- exploration of different aspect of learning
- tools for learning versus tools for living
Each member is assigned one of these aspects. After gathering inputs from every member, we will elaborate on our conclusion.
3. Progress
3.1 Relationship between informal and formal learning (Leng)
From my preliminary research on the topic, I have come to discover the concept that there are actually three different categorizations of Learning. In addition to Formal and Informal learning, there is also non-formal learning. It is necessary to make the distiction here that informal learning is not learning that lacks a formal approach whereas non-formal learning better ecompasses this idea. Having made this distinction, I think it will be necessary to further develop the idea of three forms of learning in order to proceed with the rest of our research. Primarily, I will need to focus on the following ideas:
- How do these three learning methods affect language learning.
- Where do these three learning methods overlap in the language learning language.
- How does learning in a youth context affect or is affected by these three learning methods.
3.2 Relationship between "learning about" and "learning to be" (Kei)
It sounds almost apparent that the best way to learn a foreign language is to actually live in a country and immerse oneself in the society there. As far as what I have heard from some of my friends, I feel that I cannot naiively accept this statement. In this aspect of our independent research, I will explore both the current effort of improving domestic English education in Japan and benefits and issues of studying abroad to learn English.
This work will include following activities:
- Research on the ongoing efforts to improve domestic English education in Japan
- Interview of those who have experience of studying abroad to learn Engilsh
3.3 Exploration of different aspect of learning (John)
I do not have any concrete progress yet in this research. I have been exploring papers that deal with the topics of interest related to my research area. I am mostly interested in researching how intrinsic rewards and the self-motivation of the learner affects how well they learn a language. I have found a few papers regarding this thus far and I will continue my research in this area.
3.4 Tools for learning versus tools for living (Gary)
I am still i the research stage, i have not put as much time as needed at this point due to my busy schedule. However I will be spending much more time on this projet to make up for my lack of effort in the past.
4. Reference
To be added.
learning group
learning project