Assignment 4
Type your name(s) here:
min-chieh Hung
Briefly discuss the following issues for the paper that you have read:
1. what did you find
1.1. interesting about the article?
I saw the presentation of EDC in my user interface class. It's interesting that this project provides an integrated physical and computational environment. It allows multiple users to interactive with each other (also with the system) at the same time. Even though in the paper, it mentioned that the system is still in a turn-taking and modal interaction, but the idea to create some input interface other than standard input(keyboard, mouse...) which only allows one user contributes to the system at one time provides the possibility to let multiple users to contribute at the same time. This system also gives the participants a better understanding of the problem domain (showing animation on the reflection area), and let the users to find sub-problems/new problems when they study the problem deeper. To help the problem owners even the stakeholders become designers is also another new idea to me.
This project also shows that a good tool for developing a complex system which engaging stakeholders in different fields will motivate the stakeholders to participate into the problem solving.
1.2. not interesting about the article?
I wonder what would it happen when every stakeholders presented their opinions in the system.
2. what do you consider the main message of the article?
This article emphasizes that we should encourage the stakeholders to become designers instead of treaing them as consumers. It's useful for us to let the stakeholders participate and contribute their knowledge into the design(ex:bus route). In order to satify this, the software we develop must support collaboration of stakeholdrs, can evolve as we obtain new knowledge, contextualize the information we acquire.
3. are themes discussed in the article which you would like to know more about?
I would like to know more about
1. Is there any system similar to the EDC?
2. How avoid the knowledge inputs overflow when all the stakeholders try to contribute at once?
4. what did you find interesting about the “EDC” system?
The first thing came to my mind when I first time saw the EDC is that this thing looks like monopoly. It might help the people who are afraid of new technology(computers, mouse, keyboard...etc) to learn this system in order to participate and contribute their knowledge. The separation of the action area and the reflection area is also a great idea. Therefore users can dynamically seeing the result as soon as they make changes in the action area instead of switching between these two areas in one screen.
I remember Hal mentioned that in the future EDC will support the remote users to participate with their own machine in the action area instead of limiting the action area on a square table.
5. do you know of other papers, ideas, and systems which are closely related to the article and the “EDC” system?
Wiki: the user can add new links and new information to the swiki webpage, people can evaluate each other's contribution and contribute their knowledge at the same time. it support multi-user access and it can inform the users that new knowledge is added by email. I am not quite familiar with wiki, so I am not sure if it's easy to add new features into the wiki system to be an "open system".
6. what do the article and the associated system say about
6.1. design
"designing comlex problems is that participants teach and instruct each other"...."Designers rely on the expertise of others"......
"software systems must evolve; they cannot be completely designed prior to use"
"systems must be designed for evolution"
"Enhancement and evolution of the system are 'first-class design activites.'"
"how can we bring a integrated enironment capable of addressing the following specific challenges;how we can create co-evolutionary environments, in which stakeholders change because they learn and in which systems change becuase stakeholders become developers and engage in end-user modification and programming;how can we create intrincically motivating computational environments and open systems, in which stakeholders feel in control and accept the role of active contributeors rather than passive consumer;how can stakeholders incrementally construct domain models that do not a prriori exist but instead are socially constructed over time by communities of practice?"
The trend of designing a system is to design a open system evoluating with users(desingers)and be able to contextualize information.
6.2. learning
"appreaches are required that view learning as collaborative knowledge construction"
"designing comlex problems is that participants teach and instruct each other"
"Learning on Demand": participants learn new knowledge from the knowledge contributed by the participants into the system and evaluate each other's opinion.
"constructing new knowledge": Besides learning new knowledge from the knowledge contributed by the participant, all participants needs to find more information as they encounter a breakdown."
The user will learn more from the what other users have contributed or find more information somewhere else when they encounter a breakdown.
6.3. collaboration
"diestributed congnition emphasizes that the heart of intelligent human performance is not the individual human mind in isolation but the interaction of the min diwth tools and artifacts as well as groups of minds in interaction iwth each other."
The externalization is necessary for collaboration design because:
"1. create a record of our mental efforts, one that is outside us rather than vaguely in memory
2 represent artifacts that can talk back to us and form the basis for critique and negotiation."
"the system must evolve at the hands of the users":The collaboration should be the process of the stakeholders perform informed participation.
6.4. innovative media to support these activities?
I think the innovative media is mainly used to contextualize information in order to let the participants understand each other's opinion better. Therefore they can easily constuct new knowledgement from the old ones.
7. do you have any ideas how this research could / should be extended (based on your own knowledge and experience)?
1. support the participation of the remote users
2. support different real-time scenarios(fire drill, police department dry run)