1. what did you find
1.1. interesting about the article?
One thing that is incredibly subtle, and should not be overlooked, was addressed very well in the article. Socio-technical design is key. For me, the problems are not of me falling asleep and missing prompts. Instead, I must admit, I feel somewhat shamed by my reliance on technology. Something that may seem a small issue to the involved designer is very important to me as a casual user.
1.2. not interesting about the article?
2. what do you consider the main message of the article?
Technology can be used to benefit human life. Through refinement and collaboration, tools to extend the capabilities of everybody can be achieved. Technology is for everybody, and it should be made with such a view in mind.
3. what did you find interesting about the systems?
Integration of various technologies and meta-design.
3.1. Personal Travel Assistant
My experience with public transportation has proved to me that it requires a great degree of executive skills, like your research has highlighted. It is not simple to grasp a cognitively challenging system like the Chicago subway if one is disoriented in place or time. Therefore I agree with the idea of re-orienting with technology.
3.2. Memory Aiding Prompting System (MAPS)
I use a palm pilot frequently. What is of central importance to me is my relationship to the technology. I believe, in a very everday way it determines what I will do with my organizer. If it is useful in a very genuine way I am apt to not treat it frivolously and lose it.
3.3. Lifeline
Temperature, as mentioned, is an important realtime statistic that could be measured with hardware and relayed to a caretaker.
4. do you know of other papers, ideas, and systems which are closely related to the article and the systems?
5. what do the article and the associated systems say about
5.1. design
Design with certain goals (such as writing caretaker scripts) is sometimes not entirely feasible for certain populations (i.e. the profoundly mentally challenged.) In this case, people can be enlisted to help in the completion of such designs and test their effectiveness with said population.
5.2. learning
Learning is sometimes very effectively assisted by technology. The task lays in analyzing the matriculation of information through technology, both ways from and to teacher and student, and assessing the values of properties of technology and the entwined social situation.
5.3. collaboration
Collaboration is needed to ensure the quality of technology if and when the technology is to be used in the field by a significantly different type of individual than the designer whose properties are unknown.
5.4. innovative media to support these activities?
People have personal relationships with technology. They create artifacts to assist in living. These artifacts and these people exist in a social context. One such artifact is used to assist mobility. Mobility is therefore important enough to require a great deal of effort, since artifacts don't appear overnight. Mobility is a commodity, in a world as modern as ours with its various aids of transportation. Everybody should have equal access to this commodity to fulfill their needs.
6. are themes discussed in the article which you would like to know more about?
Yes. I would like to know more about context-aware computing and ubiquitious and pervasive computing.
7. do you have any ideas how this research could / should be extended (based on your own knowledge and experience)?
1. Temperature extremes and their relation to orientation.
2. How people experience the dichotomy between real spaces and their virtual representations. What happens when the functionality of the system is compromised.
3. The details of people's relationships with technologies. How these relationships, and the associated reliance on technology, feeds back into the person's functioning.