Design, Learning, and Collaboration
Gerhard Fischer (
Hal Eden (
Time: Monday and Wednesday 5:00-6:15 pm
Location: Integrated Teaching and Learning Laboratory (ITLL 1B50)
Fri, April 22 from Gerhard:
I added some comments about the final independent research presentations and reports – check it out!
I added information about Schedule and Timing for Final Presentations on April 27
Tu, April 19 from Gerhard:
the final questionnaire problem has been fixed (see questionnaire site) due: Friday, April 29, 12:00pm as Word Attachment via email
check it out and ask us questions in case you have any!
April 7 from Gerhard:
comments and feedback about your presentation for the Independent Research and Projects have been post on the respective sites in the Swiki; hopefully you will find them helpful to make further progress on these activities
remember due dates
- (1) April 13; second progress report for projects, can be short, should focus on what you have done since first progress report
- (2) April 18: final report for Independent Research
do not miss the exciting guest lectures next week!
1) review grading policy (see bottom of course announcement page or slides from first-lecture)
2) check out the final questionnaire (see questionnaire site) due: Friday, April 29, 12:00pm as Word Attachment via email
Wed , March 30 from Gerhard:
slides for Wed, March 30 have been posted
remember: April 4 will be YOUR day; due on April 4: (1) Independent Research: second progress report and (2) Project: first progress report
Monday , March 28 from Gerhard:
slides for Mo, March 28 and Assignment 17 due Wed, March 30 have been posted
remember: Wed, March 30 – we will meet after class for "social hour" in the L3D Lab for Pizza
Wednesday, March 16 from Gerhard:
Assignment 16 due Mo, March 28 has been posted
remember: to work on your INDEPENDENT RESEARCH and your PROJECT; many teams are behind; the big date is coming up: April 4 on which you have to present progress reports in class. I will send you some feedback about your INDEPENDENT RESEARCH and your PROJECT as an email message.
Monday, March 14 from Gerhard:
slides for Mo, March 14 have been posted
Wednesday, 3/16: 2nd session of EDC role play – we will meet in the L3D Lab
Wed, March 9 from Gerhard:
slides for Wed, March 9 and Assignment 14 due Mo, March 14 have been posted
Mo, March 7 from Gerhard:
slides for Mo, March 7 and Assignment 13 due Wed, March 9 have been posted
Mo, Feb 28 from Gerhard:
slides for Mo, Feb 28 and (a) Assignment 11 due Wed, March 2 and (b) Assignment 12 due Mo, March 7 have been posted
also due on Wed, 3/2: initial description of project (see Swiki entry "Project" for requirements)
important: bring your laptop to class on March 2 Guest Lecture - Elisa Giaccardi: "Design and Collaboration in Interactive Art: A Metadesign Perspective"
Wed, Feb 23 from Gerhard:
assignment for Monday 2/28 has been posted
independent research:
check the site from the collaboration group as a model; they have done a god job; the other group should improve their statements
schedule change: please note the following
March 2 Guest Lecture - Elisa Giaccardi: "Design and Collaboration in Interactive Art: A Metadesign Perspective"
April 6 Guest Lecture - Hal Eden: "Squeak: An Innovative Programming Environment supporting Design, Learning, and Collaboration"
Mo, Feb 21 from Gerhard:
slides for lecture Monday 2/21 have been posted
Project: initial idea is due today (see Swiki Part "Project")
Wed, 2/23: we will meet in the L3D lab for EDC Role Play
assignment for 2/23
(1) please (re)read the discussion associated with assignment 3 in the Swiki which was focused on the EDC
(2) one page statement about Independent Research for each time (naming the team members, topic, comments how you will proceed) is due in the Swiki
(3) reminder: project idea was due Mo, 2/21 –> if you have not documented you idea, please do so immediately
Wed, Feb 16 from Gerhard:
slides for lecture Wed 2/16 and assignment 9 (due: 2/21) have been posted
for course projects: please check the project part of the Swiki for a file with sample projects
Monday, Feb 14 from Gerhard:
slides for lecture Monday 2/14 and assignment 8 (due: 2/16) have been posted
Wed, Feb 9:
assignment 7 (due: Mo, 2/14) has been posted
Monday, Feb 7 from Gerhard:
slides for lecture Monday 2/7 are posted
also posted (and distributed in class): schedule for the course for the whole semester; guidelines for "independent research" and "course project"; please study these documents and ask any questions you might have
distributed in class: 4 reading assignments on paper – make sure you have a copy; missing copies can be obtained from Francesca (ECOT 732)
Wed, Feb 2 from Gerhard:
slides for lecture Wed 2/2 and assignment 6 (due: Mo, 2/7) have been posted and the schedule has been updated
Mo, Jan 31 from Gerhard:
assignment 5 (due Wed, 2/2) has been posted
today, Monday, Jan 31, we will meet in the L3D Lab (Discovery Learning Center, Room 170)
Wed Jan 26 from Gerhard:
assignment 4 (due Mo, 1/31) has been posted
On Monday, Jan 31, we will meet in the L3D Lab (Discovery Learning Center, Room 170)
Mon Jan 24 from Gerhard:
the slides for todays lecture and assignment 3 (due Wed, 1/26) have been posted
On Wednesday, Jan 26, we will meet in the L3D Lab (Discovery Learning Center, Room 170)
Wed, Jan 19 from Gerhard:
the slides for todays lecture and assignment 2 (due Mo, 1/24) have been posted
there will be an ITL orientation at the beginning of our class today – please be on time! thanks
Tues, Jan 18
We seem to have experienced an outage this morning. I'm checking into the cause. –hal
Thurs, Jan 13
I placed the pictures from last night on the faces page. Under each picture is the text you would use to reference it from another page. A couple of the pictures weren't well focused, so if you want a retake, let me know and we can do it next wednesday.
Weds, Jan 12
If you'd like to be emailed when this page changes (or any other page, for that matter), you can use the tool You tell it which pages you'd like to monitor, and how often you'd like it to check, and it emails you when they change, and what changed. -Scotty
(you can also add your e-mail address to the "send e-mail alerts to these addresses upon next save" at the bottom of the edit page. – hal)
Mon, Jan 10
Swiki Basics
Please read before Wednesday, January 12 the Notes about Design