1) Read the article: “In Defense of Cheating” by Don Norman; accessible via: http://www.jnd.org/dn.mss/InDefenseOfCheating.html and comment on the following issue:
do you agree or disagree with Norman’s position? Why?
We entirely agree with Norman’s position. The current criteria of evaluating students in colleges and schools are just not enough to determine whether a student has learned something from a certain class or not. An exam takes at most one week of studying were you could cram and compress some concepts learned in the class. But the learning experience is far bigger than that: it is a process that involves research and collaboration. There are just no guarantees to tell that a student that received an A in a certain class ( based on examinations ) could go to the real world and have enough knowledge and practice to help him his job. Therefore different criteria in grading and restructuring of a system that punishes asking and looking for help in school, and that encourages it outside of it are very much needed.
how does his view relate to your own experience in your school, university, and working life (in case you have worked somewhere sometimes)?
We have always been evaluated through examination, and therefore you could always see some cases of cheating and plagiarism coming from some students, and we were always talking about not remembering to use the material of a class it another that needs it. But the senior project class constituted a breakthrough to the real world, because it encourages researching and asking for help, and mastering an unknown field became attainable because we looked for help and we used all the resources possible to achieve the project. That is a class that involves collaboration and learning, and the reward from taking it exceeded all the other experiences.
2) Visit one of the following websites and explore it as a medium for collaboration
· http://www.experts-exchange.com/
· http://www.mamamedia.com
3) Briefly discuss for your chosen website:
· what did you find interesting about it?
We chose http://www.experts-exchange.com/. What we found interesting about it is the fact that it gathered information and answers to all the questions we had in mind. And that is a good tool to help in the learning process.
. in which way is it related to “collaboration”?
People that are experts in the different parts of IT could post their articles and share their knowledge with other people.
· how does it compare with the Swiki used for our class?
This site and swiki are similar in structure. The both encourage collaboration through the ability of seeing other peoples’ papers and reasoning, and opens the door on front of everyone to add input and enrich the ideas of others. The only difference is that one is paid and the other is not.
4) which is your favorite website / system in support of collaboration (briefly justify your opinion)!
Google. This search site offers endless information needed in mastering a certain field. It also offers to opportunity for anyone to collaborate in the learning process of people through the research paper and articles that they post through the internet.
5) have you ever read a book(s) / article(s) (or books) about collaboration? if yes: choose the most important one provide title and one paragraph what you found interesting about it!
The Mythical man month.
Based on his experience in software development, Fred Brooks has offered a new perspective of collaboration. He introduced some very important concepts to help with the design of software, and included new forms of teams to help preserve the conceptual integrity of software and improve the collaboration process.