Ryan Coyer
Aaron Schram
Read the article Fischer, G. (1998) "Making Learning a Part of Life-Beyond the 'Gift-Wrapping' Approach of Technology." Notes from 6/96 NSF Symposium on Learning and Intelligent Systems available at: http://l3d.cs.colorado.edu/presentations/gf-wlf/
Briefly discuss the following issues:
1. what did you find
1.1. interesting about the article?
The Gift Wrapping and SER models of learning. It is nice to know that there are people out there that do understand that technology is not the answer to everything, and that our current system of learning is less than perfect.
1.2. not interesting about the article?
Belaboring the definition(s) of learning (Learning is a process of knowledge construction, etc.); some excess detail in areas. The long-term effects could have been much more in depth, and I think should have been emphasized.
2. what do you consider the main message of the article? The importance of learning as a lifelong endeavor. Also that life long learning is neither easy nor quickly adapted to.
3. click on one of the words in blue and see what happens? It provides a definition of the blue word.
3.1. is this feature useful? Absolutely! It shows that the author realized the potential ambiguity of the word and provided easy access to a definition.
3.2. in which other situations have you encountered this feature? News articles on CNN.com, Learning software, and online software documentation.
4. global learning theories and approaches
4.1. do you know any of the people mentioned in the diagrams:
4.1.1. Skinner I remember him vaguely from High School psychology... the Skinner box.
4.1.2. Piaget
4.1.3. Papert
4.1.4. Illich
4.1.5. Vygotsky
4.1.6. Dewey
4.1.7. ignore Taylor
4.2. select one of the six
4.2.1. in case you know something ‡ write a paragraph what she/he has contributed to a deeper understanding of learning?
4.2.2. in case you do not know something, find out something about her/him ‡ write a paragraph what she/he has contributed to a deeper understanding of learning? B.F. Skinner is a behavioral psychologist who became famous for his work with rats using his "Skinner Box". By studying the reactions and behavior of animals (especially rats) when placed in the box, Skinner offered many theories on human behavior. A "Skinner Box" is a often small chamber that is used to conduct operant conditioning research with animals. Within the chamber, there is usually a lever (for rats) or a key (for pigeons) that an individual animal can operate to obtain a food or water within the chamber as a reinforcer. The chamber is connected to electronic equipment that records the animal's lever pressing or key pecking, thus allowing for the precise quantification of behavior.
5. identify one website (and mention the URL) which you consider interesting and relevant for “learning”! Write a one paragraph justification! http://www.cde.state.co.us/index_home.htm
The Colorado Department of Education website is certainly relevant to the subject of learning. It's also very interesting to be because the majority of my education has been in the state of Colorado. The site lists the current educational plans and requirements for all levels.
Explains many of the things in life in a brief and concise format. It is justified because it explains at a high level many of the occurrences in our normal life.