Distance Learning Student Questionnaire
Student: Sanjay Gajendra
1. What programs are you currently enrolled through distance education?
ME in Engg. Management from Univ. of Colorado, Boulder.
2. Is this a credit course or non-credit course?
Credit courses
3. Why did choose to enroll in a distance education course?
• Was not in a position to study full time
• New distance education tools (e.g. streaming video, instant messaging) enable the same kind of interactive learning experience as in-class
4. What do you think are the advantages of distance education?
• Provides flexibility in balancing work, family and learning
• Reduces hassles such as travel, parking etc.
5. What do you think are the disadvantages of distance education?
• Limits social networking and group learning
• Inhibits interactive question-answering
• Group projects, always a headache to synchronize with teammates who potentially could be based anywhere.
6. What technology is being used to transmit the class?
• Offline : Video, CDs
• Online : Streaming video
7. Which forms of technology are effective?
• Class website with support for discussion forums, reference repository, student information etc.
• Streaming video
• Interactive instant messaging (chat or tele-conference)
8. What would you like to see changed/improved in this technology?
• Yes, the interactive component of the class should allow video conferencing
9. Do you think there is effective collaboration amongst instructor/student and student/student? If not, in what
ways could it be improved?
• Yes, the tools available currently (as listed above) do provide reasonable collaboration.
10. Have you been exposed to traditional higher-education? How does distance education compare?
• Yes, I would still rate traditional means of education higher for all courses expect ones where individual
research is involved.
11. What aspect(s) of traditional education do you miss the most?
• Social networking with co-students and instructors
• Group learning
• Real-time, interactive question-answering
12. After this experience, would you consider taking another course/degree in distance education?
• Depends on the course – For areas where social networking is important (like business courses) I would prefer
traditional in-class, however for other courses where individual research or learning is involved distance education works.
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