1. what did you find
1.1. interesting about the article?
The comparison between the Communities of Practice (CoPs) and Communities of Interest (CoIs) was really interesting and the fact of how both of them are so related. In addition, we liked the section where the author explains all the 4 different systems (Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory, Caretta, Renga Creations, CodeBroker), it was really good to know there are two more systems besides the Caretta and EDC (which we already know about).
1.2. not interesting about the article?
The fish-scale collaboration model was too much theorical and it would be better if the author extends his explanation or support it with an example.
2. what do you consider the main message of the article?
We think that the main message of this article is the integration of individual creativity and social creativity so solutions for complex design problems will be developed. Also this integration requires a social-technical environment that enables the fish-scale collaboration model.
3. pick ONE of the four systems described in the article (Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory, Caretta, Renga Creations, CodeBroker) and discuss which aspects of individual and social creativity they support!
We are picking EDC since we are more familiar with how it works.
The EDC as we have experianced supports both individual and social creativity.The shared physical working space allows individuals to communicate their ideas and oppinions to other participants and it also allows the individuals to explore the other alternative ideas by hearing to other paticipants. As in the role playing assignment, experts from various fields are able to express their knowledge to the group as well as integrate it with other knowledge provided by other experts or layman. This enables all the participants to participate actively and creates a social creative environment where they come up with solution/s agreable to all the participants.
4. have you encountered interesting “boundary objects?” which ones? what features made them interesting?
There are a system that lets you organize all the information you encounter in your own personal way by entering your information or by drag & drop froom electronics sources (web browser). All this information is organized like a graph (it contains nodes) and every single node represents a concept. This system later on, will help you find or remember information you already have searched for and will show the relationship your search has with other concepts already on the system. In this way, the user will not have to waste time searching for stuff they already have seen once and also the user will know how it is related to other concepts.
Another example of boundary object is CVS version controlling system
It allows or supports
- co-creation of programs
- awareness of others work
- allows the user to build on others work
- in a way allows the user to draw out the tacit knowledge and perspective (in the programming sense) , for example we use CVS of the eclipse IDE, it allows us to see and use code of other team members, so we could say knowledge and perspective is being shared, that is it allows shared creativity.
5. describe the most creative activity from your OWN life and analyze the individual and social aspect of your creative act!
Javier: well i like playing soccer and every weekend i play it. Every single game i play i learn something new about myslef and about other players, as well as my teammates. Therefore, i learn more about weaknesses and also i learn how to communicate better with the rest of my team, at the end of every single game we find out how to improve our performance and strategies for the next games. During the last year i met two good players and they have in someway improved my game since i constantly play with/against them.
Divya: I am indian classical/folk dancer. We (myself and my other dance classmates) would choreograph a dance performance , in which we would all put/show dance steps which we think is best way of expressing the meaning of the song for which we are composing the dance. Our instructor would decide which is the best step to ultimately choreograph the whole dance.
This way I would learn more ways of expressing the same meaning with different steps or facial expressions. I would also learn about others style. So I would say this was a social creative environment.
6. which computational systems do you know which support individual and/or social creativity?
EDC, Swiki, the system presented by our guest Elisa Giaccardi: "Design and Collaboration in Interactive Art: A Metadesign Perspective" and Email.