- Business areas and robust neighborhoods are predicted to develop around stations.
- Project supports rails made in Pueblo, ties manufactured in Adams County, and Xcel energy from the rocky mountains instead of oil from the middle east sold in a French gas station.
- Must be possible to walk, for instance, from offices to housing around bus stations. In places like San Diego, multilane highways have come in between important places in developments.
- Fannie May is considering giving mortgage rate incentives to homeowners who live within a quarter mile of transit in the Denver Metro area. Since these people need to use cars less, they have less payment, and can thus take on more mortgage liability.
- New Urban design style elements
- Establishment of urban growth boundaries
- Channeling urban development toward "in fill" (underdeveloped areas within the urban growth boundary).
- "Transit oriented development" along urban rail corridors, higer population density, and higher employment density.
- Little if any expansion of street or highway capacity.
- Retail developments less oriented toward the automobile (smaller stores with less parking generally in town centers rather than suburbs). (United States. Congress. Senate. Committe on Environment and Public Works.)
United States. Congress. Senate. Committe on Environment and Public Works. Open space and environmental quality: hearings before the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixth Congress, first session, March 17 and 18, 1999, July 7, 1999-Las Vegas, Nevada. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1999.