here is what i found about hands-on learning, take a look
Hands-on Learning
- Helps student aquire knowledge and skills outside of books and lectures.
- Learning can occur through work, play or other life experiences.
- Teachers can measure knowledge and comprehension.
- Activities might encourage the learner to learn more about a specific topic.
- Demands student involvement.
- Work-based learning.
- Can intensify interests, skills, strengths and needs related to career development.
- Involves students with all different learning styles.
- Students with dissabilities, ADD, AHD, and who speak Enlish as 2nd language can all take part in hands-on activities.
- Allows learners to form and asnwer questions that someday be related to real life experiences.
- Hands-on learning encourages working in groups, an therefore helps individuals learn from each other.
- Encourages the individual to be a more social person, and enhances the ability to ask and communicate with other individuals.
- Opens the possibilty in front of everyone to master a certain field and be creative in it.