Distance Learning Student Questionnaire

1. Why did choose to enroll in a distance education course?

2. What do you think are the advantages of distance education?

3. What do you think are the disadvantages of distance education?

4. What technology is being used to transmit the class?

5. Which forms of technology are effective?

6. What would you like to see changed/improved in this technology?

7. Do you think there is effective collaboration amongst instructor/student and student/student? If not, in what ways could it be improved?

8. Have you been exposed to traditional higher-education? How does distance education compare?

9. What aspect(s) of traditional education do you miss the most?

10. After this experience, would you consider taking another course/degree in distance education?

-Sanjay Gajendra

-Ashok Nagaraj

-Amar Vattakandy: