1. what did you find
1.1. interesting about the article?
Its was interesting ot know about the new approaches to teaching, and how they work in detail. The last part of the paper was describing how a new-comer would see and react to a new model of education. It was also interesting how the paper could help understand the differences between adult-run education, child-run education and community of learners education.
1.2. not interesting about the article?
A little repetitive, most of the arguments are repeated all over the paper. There is also a lack of examples illustrating the different types of education that were talked about.
2. what do you consider the main message of the article?
the main message of this paper, is "Community of Learners" model is the best new approach for teaching and learning. This new model is very different from the "child-run" model and "adult-run" model, especially very different from the first one since most of the time they are mistaken for each other.
3. analyze your own educational experience and
3. analyze your own educational experience and
3.1. provide a rough estimate in percentage points for each category and
- child-run about 10% rarely
- adult-run about 70-80%
- Community of Learners about 20-30%, some of the classes i took in my high school were very active.
3.2. one example for each category (in case you have encountered all three approaches)
- child-run: music class was been taught this way, it depended on me (Javier Velez) and whether or not I should go to ask any help to my professor or just keep practicing.
- adult-run: every math/science/ class we took in high school or college.
- Community of Learner: (Javier) my physics class in high school was conducted in this way, the whole class was divided into groups and then we were assigned to work on some experiment. Meanwhile, my professor walked around the room, making sure everything is going fine and if we needed help or not.
As far as myself(ALI), the computer science senior project is the only class I had that was taught as a community of learner style. Through it, we formed groups, and we went reasearching for the tools that could help us in our task. Also, we learned a lot from each other.
4. which technologies are used / can be used /should be used to support
Tools that allow a professor to be able to convey/show his thoughts. For example, Power Point, which is a very useful tool in presenting ideas (some times chalkboards are not that good (static and not dynamic)).
4.1. adult-run education
Diplaying lecture notes electronically could be very helpful because the materials that need to be learned will always be available anytime the student wants them. We had a very good experience with a class (csci3308)that had electronically displayed materials. We have always done very well in exams because the concepts were always easy to learn.
4.2. child-run education
Search tools like Google could be a good example to illustrate this type of education because it motivate students to learn about them more so that they can facilitate the task of research. Also tools like Swiki could be very beneficial in this style of education.
4.3. community of learners education
Online forums, hybrid classes, WebCt could all be tools that can enhance students knowledge in this type of education because they encourage collaborative work in the learning process.
5. analyze our course from the three dimensions:
5.1. adult-run education
This style is adopted by Professor Fischer when giving a lecture, and when we have a guest lecturer.
5.2. child-run education
Our independent research, our project and assignments could all be considered a form of child-run education.
5.3. community of learners education
This type of education is illustrated by when Professor Fischer tries to catalyse discussions during class by asking questions to someone and having another person react on it or through having us react to a certain topic. This is also illustrated by involving us in some projects like EDC because we had to play a role in creating a bus line.
6. which possibilities do you see to effectively integrate adult- and child-run education?
We are big believers in doing to understand. Speaking about one of us experience(ALI), I happen to come from a country where I was crammed by homework and by theory. Our level in math physics and sciences in general was probably better than most of the students in college, but the problem is that I only had theory with me and no practice, I could thing in a mathematical way but i could not apply much of my knowledge in a practice. Engineering is about creating and learning through doing and applying is the best way to understand the theory behind everything. Therefore including students in projects and have them use resources is the best way to integrate adult and child-run education styles.