1. what do you consider the main argument of the article?
The main argument of the article is that encourages the idea of open source systems and encourages end users to be direct contributors in the making of any product in order to make it better. It therefore encourages the employment of the idea of meta-design in the making of products
2. do you agree or disagree with the main argument? give a answer based on your own experiences?
I strongly agree with the main argument of this article because if we employ the idea of meta-design and involve end users in the design of any product, we can make any product better and make it also fit the end users needs. I also agree with it because the best learning experiences come for contributing in making something and contributing in it. ( I do, I understand).
3. enumerate in which situations
3.1. you acted as a designer/active contributor
I acted as a designer in the making of our 3D rendering engine for our senior project. I also acted as an active contrinutor in improving the EDC system through playing the role of a consumer that has input in how convenient would the placement of a bus stop be.
3.2. you acted as a (passive) consumer
In most classes, I acted as a receiver of information and not a contributor. Also, I was seldom part of any product that I am using (making of my laptop, services that I constantly use).
3.3. situations in which you believe you should have acted differently
I should have acted differently in participating in some kind of research in college during my 4 years of undergraduate education, because that would have helped me motivate myself to learn about a product and try to make it better.
An exercise in learning for understanding — pick one of the following problems and try to solve it
3. How Old are the Children
3.1. A person visits a family with 3 children and would like to know the ages of the children. The mother tells the visitor: “Their ages multiplied with each other is 36. Their age added is equal to the number on the house.” The visitor goes in front of the house and looks at the number (and she knows now the number). She comes back and says: “I still do not know the age of the children.” The mother then tells her: “The oldest son plays the piano”. Now the visitor knew the age of the children.
3.2. Question: How old are the children? (note: the ages of all children are integers!)
answer briefly the following questions:
1. describe your solution (if you found one) or why you were unable to find one?
I was not able to find the solution because there was not sufficient information to help us find the solution. We had 2 equations with 3 unknowns, and assuming what age the oldest child is would be helpful but if the sum of the 3 ages is 5, and if we assume that his age is 5 ( which is the age whn one can start playing piano) then the ages of the other 2 is going to be 0.
2. what did you learn solving (or thinking about) the problem?
I learned that assumptions and guesses are the only way to solve this problem because some information were just not enough (like how long the oldest child has played piano for).
3. what kind of knowledge was most important for solving the problem?
The number of household
The age of the oldest child, and how old he was when he started playing piano.
How long has the oldest child played piano for.
Is there any kids that are twins.
The product of the three ages.
The sum of the three ages.
If there are any people included in the household that are not from the family.
4. are (or would be) computers helpful in solving these problems?
Computers are defenetely helpful in solving problems like this we could design AI algorithms that would enable us to look at the different possibilities of ages, but we can also solve it through combinations of the three ages that satisfy both equations.