- Nick Joseph - Interested in the design process at the software level. What makes a good software design and how do you keep it maintainable and "updatable"? Interested to learn more about UML diagrams, the "OO approach", use cases, design patterns etc. I'm also very interested in quantum computing and seeing as how it is becoming a possibility that this technology may become available at sometime in my life I'd like to know how software design will change with the addition of the quantum bit.
- Nathan Balasubramanian - I am interested in exploring Design-Based Research (DBR) as a vehicle for designing interactive learning environments that motivate and challenge students to engage in purposeful explorations of scientific concepts and engineering principles. Reading the current state of DBR in the Jan-Feb 2005 special issue of Educational Technology, 45(1) left me more disappointed than elated. At any rate, Prof. Fischer’s ‘beyond the gift-wrapping approach” article, Prof. Ursyn’s guest lecture, and Buxton’s “less is more” article have shed some light on depolarizing the barriers between the sciences and the arts through creative design ideas. I would like to pursue these ideas along with those in NRC’s Beyond Productivity (2003) to document, design, and develop intelligent online computer games using the Benchmarks for Science Literacy (1993).
- Isaac Sanders - I am interested in web design (aesthetics, usability, interaction). For instance, I think that wikis present an interesting design problem. I would definitely be willing to explore other areas of design as well.
- Jodi Kiefer - I am interested in researching what design features and methodologies are motivational and effective in inspiring children to learn via the web and multimedia.