1. what did you find (articulate the answers in your own words)
1.1. interesting about the article?
Meta-design and EUD is interesting idea in general. Creating environments that have low cognitive development cost that even non-computer experts could use to contribute to existing systems has incredible potential for advancement of technology as a whole. One particular subject that I was interested in was the mention of possible conflict-of-interest EUD can create amongst end-user designers and IT management. From my experience in a corporate environment, this was an accurate assessment of the situation and a definite hurtle in the advancement of EUD.
1.2. not interesting about the article?
I found the illustration of "cost-scope tradeoffs" important and useful, however I felt this section was overly-discussed. A little too much was written in this topic than I believe was necessary to make the point.
2. what do you consider the main message of the article?
This article tried to expose the benefits of EUD and meta-design by discussing current gaps in technology development and the reasons why EUD and meta-design address these issues. It also discusses the obstacles (i.e. IT managerial relunctance, rewards for contribution, security/design flaws, "throwaway"/unreliable software) we must overcome to truly advance these ideas in the future.
3. is meta-design an
3.1. interesting concept? why?
I find this topic interesting because I've always felt that computer technology was a powerful tool in advancing society in general. Computers are becoming more and more intertwined in everyday life, so everyone (not just computer experts) is an end-user. If there was a way to simplify development of software tools, all the end-users who have ideas to improve the software could contribute, a benefit for everyone.
3.2. not interesting? why?
The only downside I see to this idea is that the idea itself is simple, but implementing it will truly be a daunting task. I have the feeling that everyone who's ever programmed has thought of this idea, including some of the most intelligent minds ever, however achieving it will be extremely difficult. Currently, we have enough problems coming up with software solutions to meet "underdesigned" goals, let alone creating entire environments that would simplify the task of actual development.
4. what do you consider the major technical and social challenges associated with meta-design?
4.1. technical
As stated in 3.2, anyone who's ever programmed knows its hard enough to write code to meet a single need or product, let alone create a system so complex that it would simplify the task for non-experts. Its one thing to meet the need, its an entirely different monster to design as system to make it easier for others.
4.2. social
IT management would be hesistent to adopt the idea of meta-design. As stated, managment would argue "that enforcing standards and controlling end users leads to more cost-efficient development and less waste from unreliable software". Also, end-user "co-designers" would need the motivation to follow-through with this idea to its potential.
5. describe your own experience with meta-design
5.1. with ideas associated with meta-design
The growth in popularity of wiki websites and community forums online is related to the idea of meta-design coming into fruition. More generally speaking, in popular culture, there's been a recent explosion of concepts related to users actually participating, not just consuming. For instance, the popularity of reality TV shows and shows that allow viewers to vote for one thing or another. Also, in 2003 rapper Jay-Z released an album titled "The Black Album" along with an acapella version, allowing everyone from first-class producers to hobbyists to create their own musical backdrops for his album. One, titled "The Grey Album" (fusing Jay-Z's vocals with instrumentals from the Beatles' "The White Album") gained critical acclaim and set records in the number of online downloads, remarkable considering it was an unauthorized release.
5.2. with systems built on meta-design?
Using Linux (which is open source), an operating system that iteratively and collaboratively corrects problems and makes improvements over time. The wiki for this course is another example, where people designed a system that let users (in this case, students of this class) customize a website to meet needs as the arise. I think "Google" can be considered an agent in meta-design as well since it fosters collaboration among people to build on ideas or products that already exist.