1. what did you find (articulate the answers in your own words)
1.1. interesting about the article?
The section that talks about meta-design was really interesting and how SER process work. The fact that meta design is being used currently for developing complex and large systems and that Open source is a meta design.
1.2. not interesting about the article?
The author somehow tries to say that end-users should collaborate and work on the design of the system, however sometimes these end-users might not have enough knowledge to help on the design process and be aware of every single aspect of the design.
We thought it took a lot of effort while reading the first few pages. But the after page 4 reading the article became easier and the idea clear
2. what do you consider the main message of the article?
The main message is regarding the development of systems and how we should be using the meta-desing in which the end-user contributes in the continuous development of the system rather than just being passive consumers.
3. is meta-design an
3.1. interesting concept? why?
Yes, systems can be modified and setup according to the needs or specifications of the end-user. The end-user is able to solve problems and possibly improve the current system. It also, has different users that are testing the same system and there are different solutions for the same problem. Therefore, a single system can have different versions.
3.2. not interesting? why?
As we agreed that it is a interesting concept but only concern is what if the systems developed through meta-design evolve into complex systems unmanageble?
4. what do you consider the major technical and social challenges associated with meta-design?
4.1. technical
Not all end-users will have the sufficient knowledge to solve all problems and some ideas for improving a design might not work, due to the lack of awareness of all the aspects of the system. There is not too much variety of products that are going to be used with systems developed using meta-design.
4.2. social
Trying to accept the point of view of other people, to respect their ideas for improving the design of a ceratin system might be challenging.
5. describe your own experience with meta-design
5.1. with ideas associated with meta-design
For our senior project we are mostly using mostly Apache open source softwares and framework, like Struts, Ant, etc..
I would say even though struts once mastered is a nice framework to use but the initial learning curve is too high, which is kind of against the concept of meta-design where the learning curve should be low. But it is considered a meta-design because it is a open source project.
5.2. with systems built on meta-design?
They work very well, we think, even better than closed systems. Example: UNIX is a excellent operating system, more reliable and considerably fast, it also has different versions that can be modified according to the user's needs.