The Virtual Bus Stop: Updates 2 |
Project Description | Progress Report | Updates | Updates 2 | Final Report
Missing File (/dlc-2002/uploads/update9a.jpg)
Now with a virtual web browser...
Missing File (/dlc-2002/uploads/update9b.jpg)
...that you can move around...
Missing File (/dlc-2002/uploads/update9c.jpg)
...but, OK, that's all it does for the moment.
Missing File (/dlc-2002/uploads/moveit.mpg)
A short MPEG showing the interactive placement of the virtual browser!
Missing File (/dlc-2002/uploads/moveit.mpg)
An even shorter MPEG showing continuous browser capture to the virtual browser window!
Missing File (/dlc-2002/uploads/busstop_o_doom.jpg)
An interesting bug gives us The Bus Stop of Doom!
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