The Virtual Bus Stop: Updates |
Project Description | Progress Report | Updates | Updates 2 | Final Report
Missing File (/dlc-2002/uploads/update1b.jpg)
The multimonitor display at the VisCenter
Missing File (/dlc-2002/uploads/update4b.jpg)
Up and running in the cave
Missing File (/dlc-2002/uploads/update3b.jpg)
User interaction!
Missing File (/dlc-2002/uploads/update5b.jpg)
A helping hand! (I couldn't resist.)
Missing File (/dlc-2002/uploads/update6b.jpg)
The hand and the wand and the hand.
Missing File (/dlc-2002/uploads/update8b.jpg)
Now with a ground and a sky...
Missing File (/dlc-2002/uploads/update7b.jpg)
...and a Bus!
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