Rhonda Hoenigman

This photo was taken at Caribou Open Space near Nederland, Co. Nice hat.

Rhonda Hoenigman

Hi, my name is Rhonda Hoenigman. I am a first year PhD student in computer science at CU Boulder. I am currently working on a project with Liz Bradley using artificial intelligence and non-linear dynamics to study human motion. I have a master's degree in computer science from San Diego State University. Prior to returning to graduate school, I was a software engineer in San Diego for 10 years. When I'm not working on school stuff, I am generally working on projects that involve multiple trips to Home Depot.

1. question 1 answer

Colloquia reports:
Creativity Support Tools by Ben Schneiderman
Dynamics of Data Assimilation by Liz Bradley

Rhonda's Thesis report
Proposed thesis