Learning ― Minutes of Meeting (4/10)
Independent Research
- Meeting on Friday (4/14) from 12 to 2 at CSEL to discuss our conclusion and brush up our slides
- Meeting on Monday (4/17) from 3 at classroom to practice our presentation
Final Report
- Final Report due on 4/17
- Kei to prepare a template for final report by Tuesday
- Everyone to write their part of final report (less than 1 page) by Friday's meeting
- Leng to prepare an introduction for final report.
- Kei to prepare introduction part of slides based on Leng's input
- Everyone to prepare up to 5 slides for their part of presentation
- 35 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for disucssion
- In total the presentation will contain up to 25 slides
- We couldn't meet Alice on 4/8, so Gary will reschedule the interview in this week.
learning group
learning project