1. what did you find
1.1. interesting about the article?
The most interesting thing in the article is how people with disabilities are facing problems regarding transportation and how this article came up with different solutions to these problems. Also one of the interesting parts of the article is that it explained clearly how it is hard for people with cognitive disabilities to face transportation problems, and the details that that article mentioned would be very helpful in offering enough feedback to create solutions for these problems.
1.2. not interesting about the article?
There was not anything uninteresting about the article.
2. what do you consider the main message of the article?
The main message of the article is that there is a need to include technology in the transportation sector, and there is a need for the collaboration of everyone in order to improve the transportation system and make it suitable and accessible to every part of the community an population.
3. what did you find interesting about the systems?
3.1. Personal Travel Assistant
The good thing about the personal travel assistant is that the through the GPS information that it uses, it can facilitate the trips of the buses through monitoring the traffic of the passengers and organizing the trip in a way that makes the trip easier for everyone.
3.2. Memory Aiding Prompting System (MAPS)
It provides a panic button so that in case of an emergency, the aid won't take too long to reach the spot. And also it is programmed to suit user needs and it allows interaction with the user.
3.3. Lifeline
It allows the caregivers to track the people with cognitive disability if they happen to travel alone. also in case of an emergence the lifeline will enable to contact the closest people related to that person. Also, since the system tracks every step of the user, simple breakdown such as getting of on the wrong stop will be detected.
4. do you know of other papers, ideas, and systems which are closely related to the article and the systems?
Newer cars like Mercedes, BMW and other luxury cars now come with an "On-star" system that offers technical assistance on the road through GPS data received from the car.
5. what do the article and the associated systems say about
5.1. design
The survey that was displayed in the beginning of the article shows that the users and their are the primary factors of making a good design of a system that will suit everyone's needs.
5.2. learning
This system has helped people with cognitive disabilities to ensure a safer trip. Also, it helped them learn about a new product and learn how to use it which contributes to the learning process of individuals
5.3. collaboration
How this system was built and how well it will work was a result of the contribution of different parts of the throught their input and their specific needs which constitutes a great way of collaboration.
5.4. innovative media to support these activities?
Cell phones, PDA, GPS, internet,
6. are themes discussed in the article which you would like to know more about?
The bus stops and their locations. I would like to know how the system will help locate them based on rider's needs and proximity to their houses and works.
7. do you have any ideas how this research could / should be extended (based on your own knowledge and experience)?
It could be extended by including the system to the city and make it a tool to help legislators make decisions as to where and how to establish a bus line in a certain area of the city.