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Edit hw2-RSurles here.

1.1 I found the article to be very interesting, because I am conducting research on how design affects learning environments. Is there a learning environment that is conducive to all learning styles? Some of the concepts discussed in the paper can be incorporated to expand the area that I am focusing on.

1.2 I would have like to have seen more comparisons beyond Skinner and Taylor.

2. The main message of the article is two fold. First, it is obvious, in our society that we, as responsible individuals, are faced with a growing need to be aware that we must continue to educate ourselves in every aspect of life. It is necessary, because we live in a dynamic world. a world that is ever changing. The rapid difusion of technology demands that we know how to use it in our day to day activities. The second message clearly indicates that we must become our own epistemologist.

3.1 Yes, I appreciate the ability to have such information at my command.

3.2 Yes, in several articles that have hyper-linked foot notes and I also found this to be helpful in providing additional information and understanding to difficult articles.

4.1. Yes, I have read about several of them.

4.1.3 Papert. I have read his book, "Mindstorms" and found it to be most interesting. He discusses how computers could facilitate the learning experience of childern in schools. He advocates the use of technology i.e. computes in all schools. He did indicate that children are their own epistemologist and encouraged them to utilize anything in the environment to be used to process activity that leads one to manipulate items through the five phase learning process.

5.0 The Voice-of-the-Shuttle. is a very exciting web site. It is exciting, because it allows one to manipulate cross references of many different subjects.

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