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Homework #1 CSCI 7000-1 Design, Learning, and Collaboration
Nilo Tsung January 21, 2004
1. What did you find
1.1 Interesting about the article?
I chose the paper entitled Human-Centered Public Transportation Systems for Persons with Cognitive Disabilities: Challenges and Insights for Participatory Design.
Reading the section of the research methodology gave me some insights how smart things should be built. I just love how concise the paper is: right to the points. I think I can learn a great deal from the research methodology of this paper, and apply it to my own independent research which is about “A 4D Project Control System Based on an Information Visualization User-Interface Approach.”
1.2 Not interesting about the article?
Not much. If I really have to say one, it would be some jargons, such as “universe of one”, “in-the-world”, “forcing function.” They seemed to be not very clear to me, especially when I just started to read the paper.
2. What do you consider the main message of the article?
As designers of artifacts, we should design things for the convenience of the users, for making the users smart. In other words, we should first observe users’ behaviors; try to understand what are on their minds, and some other cognitive issues of the users before starting design. We should design things to make us smart. We are all cognitively disabled, in some way.
3. Are themes discussed in the article which you would like to know more about?
To have good idea is one thing, and to really implement it is another thing. Someone may have very good ideas about how something should be designed, but he/she does not have the right skills to get the things built. It is especially true for designing and building an information system, because most of people in this world are not trained to be professional programmers.
I wish to know more about some aspects relevant to how those researchers implement the system. Obviously, it should be at high level, not to detail. I think it would be very instructive for someone, like me, who is not trained to be a professional programmer.
4. What did you find interesting about the “EDC/CLever” system?
It is very interesting to me that collaborative knowledge construction needs to have boundary objects for externalizations. The implementation idea of EDC/CLever could be applied to my research domain, which is about finding causes of bad project permanence after diagnosis.
5. Do you know of other papers, ideas, and systems which are closely related to the article and the EDC/Clever”?
6. What do the article and associated system say about design, learning, collaboration, and/or innovative media to support for those activities?
I don’t know any of them.
7. Do you have any ideas how this research could/should be extended (based on your own knowledge and experience)?
I think the system for helping people with cognitive disabilities can be extended to help tourists, especially in a foreign country, to get around.