Assignment 16, Jun Chen and Sarah Kim-Warren
1. what did you find
1.1. interesting about the article?
The article gives interesting variety examples to make the points. The title of the example three, "The Right Information, to the Right People, at the Right Time", points out the most critical part of information. The author points out another critical point, that many people disregard, determining what technology the community members are actually using currently.
1.2. not interesting about the article?
2. what do you consider the main message of the article?
Knowledge management is an important function in an organization. Some knowledge management processes must be in placed, so the information can be shared coherently across the organization. The organization needs to encourage and motivate individual members to contribute and to use the knowledge management. Maintaining and up keeping of valid data in the knowledge management is important, also. If these cycles are not repeated continuously, the knowledge management system becomes useless and pointless having it around.
3. what are
3.1. the strengths / successes and
- Add new and better practice document to existing document.
- Balance between quality of knowledge and time it takes to validate it.
- Address an ongoing maintenance task.
- All members in the community must be involved in the task of knowledge sharing.
3.2. the weaknesses /failures of knowledge management?
- Search : not be able to find relevant knowledge in the repository.
- Difficult to extract : systems are not exactly compatible, so viewing info is not realistic.
- Hype and inflated expectations : difficult getting over the negative expectations.
4. what are you personal experiences with
4.1. knowledge management and
We are mostly knowledge users but not knowledge creators. In the overall, knowledge management is very helpful. We search online for solving problems all the time. FAQ is very useful.
4.2. knowledge management systems?
Companies we worked and work for all have portals. We get a lot of useful information there. Very often, it is the first place we go to when we have questions.
5. How would you differentiate between "pull" and "push" approaches in knowledge management? What are the trade-offs between the two approaches? In which situations would you use one or the other approach?
In "pull" approach, users look for the knowledge by themselves. Users can either search or browse. In "push" approach, the system suggests information to the user based on the user's profile. The "pull" approach works well if the user knows what he wants and how to find it. If the user doesn't know how to find what he wants, the "push" approach is better. However, the "push" approach could be annoying if it pushes un-relevant information. In one word, use the "pull" approach if we know how to find it; otherwise, use the "push" approach, hoping that the system can help us find it.
6. please discuss why and how the two following quotes are (or are not) relevant for knowledge management:
6.1. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." (George Santayana)
This is relevant to knowledge management. The past in this sentence refers to past knowledge. Instead of repeating again to learn and find out the knowledge, we should remember and just use it. This is one goal of knowledge management. One specific issue here is the knowledge representation.
6.2. "Innovation is everywhere; the difficulty is learning from it" (John Seeley Brown)
This is relevant to knowledge management. In fact, this is the issue of knowledge discovery.