HW 14 by Sarah Kim-Warren
1. what did you find
1.1. interesting about the article?
It is interesting to see that the child-run education is encouraged or even considered for classes or education methods on all topics. I believe that younger children (even older generations) have a difficulty being focused and self-controlled learning new materials. The child-run education can be successful when an individual or a group has his or her own interest on a topic. As the article states, I definitely agree that the community of learner model is the most successful learning and teaching environment.
1.2. not interesting about the article?
Not really, but I'd like to understand what age groups were targeted for the child-run education.
2. what do you consider the main message of the article? I believe that the main message of this article is the community of learner model is the best way for learning and teaching. This helps to eliminate passive parties and encourages active learning and teaching environment.
3. analyze your own educational experience and
3.1. provide a rough estimate in percentage points for each category and
3.2. one example for each category (in case you have encountered all three approaches)
- From the first grade to the sixth grade : 99% adult-run env. (every class except the art classes) and 1% child-run env. (art classes)
- From the 7th grade to the 12th grade : 90% adult-run env. (every class except the art classes), 9% child-run env. (art classes and teaching morning sessions), and 1% community of learners (special art lessons)
- Through the BS degree : 85% adult-run environment (almost every class), 13% community of learners (group projects), and 2% child-run env. (individual research projects)
4. which technologies are used / can be used /should be used to support
4.1. adult-run education
- overhead projector
- slides
- audio/video (teacher demo/lecture centered)
4.2. child-run education
- computer
- audio/video (self learning table centered)
4.3. community of learners education
(NOTE : since we are focusing on the technologies, it is difficult to come up with a list instead focusing on the methods)
5. analyze our course from the three dimensions:
5.1. adult-run education
- the lectures with the PowerPoint slides
- the guest lectures (info presentations)
5.2. child-run education
- independent research
- final project
5.3. community of learners education
6. which possibilities do you see to effectively integrate adult- and child-run education?
- Balanced and well-prepared lectures for adult-run education
- Planed and weighted homework/research projects with the lecture materials for child-run education
- use computer, audio/video, slides to support visual learning