Survey Questions
1. In your past group-work experiences, how often would you get together and meet with your group?
a.) Once a month
b.) Once a week
c.) More than once a week
d.) Never
2. If you had to rate your past experiences with collaboration on a scale from 1 to 5 (1 being the worst experience, and 5 being the best experience), what would it be?
3. What motivated you to collaborate?(circle all that applies)
a.) Teacher
b.) Classmates
c.) Parents
d.) Other (please specify)
4. Is collaboration encouraged inside the classroom? Yes or No
5. Do you collaborate with students outside of class? Yes or No
6. Do you consider this cheating? Yes or No
7. Do you feel you may have accomplished more working with others than you would have on your own? Yes or No
8. If you had a choice would you rather work alone or with others?
9. Does the professor assign group projects? Yes or No (if yes, how often?)
10. When working in a group, do you find that…? (circle all that apply)
a.) All members contribute equally.
b.) Group meetings are constructive.
c.) You were able to spend ample time on problem solving.
d.) The members work well together.
11. Please list three words that describe collaboration in your mind.
12. Do you have any other questions?