1.1. what did you find interesting about the article?
I thought the article was very interesting overall – the concepts it presented, how they apply to education, and the concrete examples they use. I really found their ideas about education very interesting. I'm a little sceptical that education in the United States can make the changes talked about in the article, but it would be great if it did.
Probably the most intriguing concept for me was understanding versus memorization. This confirmed a belief that I have had for awhile that education rewards memory, not understanding. I have one glaring example from college where I studied for a test with someone who had read and thoroughly understood the material. I had read very little of the material but was good a memorization. I got an A and he got a D. It didn't make much sense.
1.2. what did you find not interesting about the article?
Sometimes the article was a little repetitive.
2. what do you consider the main message of the article?
Our understanding of learning is changing. Understanding is an integral part of learning; students must understand before they can actually learn. To accommodate this new view of learning, our teachers must change the techniques they use.
3. analyze and describe how you have learnt "Microsoft Word" (or a similar system incase you have never learnt MS-Word)
I started using it so long ago that it's a little difficult to remember. I didn't actually start on MS-Word; I started with the DOS version of Word Perfect. I started with just using it like a typewriter which I knew how to use – typing, backspace deleting. Initially, I didn't use many of its features. Gradually, I started using the help to learn more of its functionality – cut, copy, paste, columns, etc. When I wanted to do something new, I would go to help. Other people would also suggest new ways to do things. Gradually, I just increased my competence with the tool.
4. speculate of all the "information/knowledge" which you have today – how you have learnt it?; give a brief description of the two most interesting episodes
Most of what I have learned through formal education has been through lectures, reading, writing, memorizing, and some practical applications (especially in learning spoken languages). In terms of informal education, it has mostly been through reading and practical experience. As a programmer, I don't usually read alot of programming books. I only read enough to get me started and then I just jump in and start coding. I use my books as references.
I don't really have any learning experiences that jump out at me.
5.1. learning by being told (meaning, personal relevance)
To me this means lectures and teachers talking to the class. This has been the most prevalent type of learning in my experience.
5.2. self-directed learning (meaning, personal relevance)
Independent studies. I don't think I have any experience with self-directed learning in a formal setting.
5.3. discovery learning (meaning, personal relevance)
I'm not really sure what this means. I don't understand how it's different from experiental learning.
5.4. experiental learning (meaning, personal relevance)
Things like independent research projects, opportunities to apply the concepts you have learned in a class. This has been present mainly in my graduate level courses.
5.5. informal learning (meaning, personal relevance)
Things that you learn in everyday life, from the people around you (family, friends, co-workers), at work, at play. This constitutes learning in my adult life.
5.6. collaborative learning (meaning, personal relevance)
Projects done with groups of people – building something together, a team of programmers working on the same project. Mostly this comes into play when I do things with my family or when I work on projects at work.
6. which media have you used for your learning?
speech, printed materials, web-based materials, videos, pen and paper.