Randell Rivadeneira
Questions from your perspective as a role-play participant:
What were your impressions of your role-play experience?
I was very impressed on the hand-in type of project. Definitely it was a new approach to allow several users to interact in the design process of bus routes. I thought it was an elaborate system and original.
Were there any aspects of the role play that made you apprehensive?
At first it was hard to get into my role play. But I believe if I had played a role that was similar to my situation it wouldn't had been that hard. It was a bit difficult to use all the board, stretching to the end of the table was somewhat difficult.
Did you feel that the role play contained any elements of what real users from a real neighborhood working on a real problem might have experienced?
Definitely, my role was a role that could occur in real life. The description of my role was not farfetched from people that I have seen using a bus route. And I believe that such interaction might occur at some level but the PITA-board encouraged for more interaction to take place.
What do you think might have been lacking from the experience that would have existed in a real situation rather than a role play?
The time factor was of limited nature. I believe that in a real town meeting such experience would last longer. Also, I believe that an important role player missing was some representative of RTD. Since any change in the route mounts to cost, for RTD to consider a new change it should fall under the budget. Hence, and RTD representative would also note this at any moment when the new design was being developed.
Were there any ways that the technology aided you in reaching a decision? Were there any ways that it impeded the process?
It helped me to visualize how I could propose a change in the route that will help me in my particular situation. It also helped me to visualize other's situation and also experience their concerns. I do not think it posed any impediment in the process.
Questions from a designer's perspective
Do you feel that there is any merit to this form of assessment compared to more traditional isolated task-oriented methods?
Yes. I believe that this tool can help a lot in a design process. It is able to bring several stakeholders and interact with each other. In reality, it forces them to interact and hence improve the design process as such. If you do isolated task-oriented process, you are bound in the end to interact and then revise the design. In this new method, you are designing as you are interacting and exchanging ideas.
What insights do you think that might be gleaned from using this technique that other techniques might miss?
This technique will allow a design process to take into account everyone's interests. That is, in other processes you have to interview each stakeholder in order to obtain their interests/requirements. Whereas, this method allows for the stakeholder to be there at the moment of design and hence be able to comment and suggest its interest.
What limits do you see to the technique?
The only limiting issue that I had was that it allows only for a limited amount of people to be actually working in the PITA board. But again, this was a factor considered and several options to work this problem where suggested. Hence I believe that given those solutions this problem would not be a limiting factor anymore.
What aspects of the design do you think could be added, removed, or improved to better support the desired participatory outcomes of the process? These can be related to the technology, the social setup, the information provided, the process followed, or other aspects that you think are important.
I thought that a very important factor was the ability to calculate cost. This way you can see how much a proposed change affects cost and therefore be able to suggest changes that can satisfy both cost and preferences of a role player. Also, there was some concern to regards of topology. I would like to see some type of concurrent image where topology is considered and how this affects in the design.