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Player 3 (single female parent)
Your name is Lynn.
You are a 33 year-old single parent. You do not own a car.
Your son Ben is now 3 years old and will hopefully go to kindergarten soon. A neighbor takes care of him while you are working. She has children the same age. Also, sometimes your Mom comes to take care of him.
You work half days in downtown, usually in the mornings. Then, you hurry back home to be able to have lunch with your son. In the afternoons you take care of other home responsibilities such as shopping, taking Ben to the playground, etc.
The bus route is really not close to your home. Sometimes walking to the bus stop feels farther and you wish it was closer. This is specially a problem when you have been to the grocery store and carry bags, or when you take Ben on trips, or when you return home late.
On this map there is an X on the spot where you live.
