Assignment 5
Jennifer Tamez
1.1) I found the concept of this article to be interesting. I find it similar to "help" options on computer programs and such, but much more advanced and for a different purpose - design. I think it sounds very useful, but as the article said, there are still many things that need to be worked out. I do agree that some people might not want to disrupt the design process to search for information. I also had a problem with something that was also stated in the paper. The systems or critics are only as smart as those who create it. A question that kept coming up for me throughou the article, was who is that authoritative or final say for the critic? It was noted that designs are always changing and being upgrades and so forth. If human critics are limited in a way that one might know more or less than the other, how can a system be made that can be directed towards a whole? Won't there always be something or someone more knowledgeable?
1.2.) I did not find anything uninteresting about this article.
2.) I think the main message of the article is that through technology, specifically this critiqueing system, contributes to the growth of knowledge, creates a shared understanding, and provides for future growth in scientific knowledge.
3.) I would like to know more about all the things the critique systems can and will be used for. The article specifically spoke of the home kitchen system, but what else is being planned for this type of critic?
4.) I am not aware of othe papers related to DODEs or Critiqueing.
5.1-5.4) I think the article involves many things about design, learning and collaboration. First, the whole critique system involves design. Its about complex design systems and solving design problems. Learning comes from the whole process. A designer uses such a system to learn how to fix, correct or prepare things. The critique system inevitably contributes to one's learning. And lastly, collaboration can be seen in the creation of this system. It may use many people to create it, it may use many designers to provide the knowledge and help that the system will give, or it is also collaborative because it is involving the interaction of a designer (or many) and the computer-based critique system. I think the article says that there is innovative media support for design, learning and collaboration.
6.) I do not think that I have any beneficial knowledge on how the research could or should be extended.