1. 1. The discussion topic itself was very interesting to me, being a student for some 14 years now. I noticed how it perfectly described my experience with education up to that point, one of listening to an "omnipotent" speaker present material in a factual, this is the way it has to be, manner. I've heard this called the "sage on the stage" manner of learning. I also found interesting that the article realized that a better way must exist. I don't believe it got all the details correct, but I liked the simple fact that it was willing to ask the question.
1. 2. What I found uninteresting about the article was how it seemed to center around the EDC, not the problem at hand. The example provided, the EDC, should have been shortened.
2. The main message of the article was simply that the current mode of education isn't optimal. That there are better ways, and that we are trying to find out what those better ways are. It goes on to present what it believes to be a better mode of learning that involves the use of computers. One where people are allowed to discuss and interact with each other as opposed to a computer screen.
3. I would like to learn of other situations in which the proposed solution is being implemented. While reading the article, I repeatedly thought about a few models in which a community learning experience has already been created. Open Source software for example, which has grown up in an environment of not merely dozens, but of hundreds of developers working together to create better software. The Open Source Software community fulfills all of the requirements laid out in the article for a better environment that is conducive to group developement.
4. I found the use of one computer by multiple persons the most interesting aspect of the EDC system. That all developers were allowed to come forward and work on the same model at the same time, with each having the ability to show the others, using the model itself, exactly what changes they would make.
5. Not many. The only system that really acts in the same way as the EDC to create something usable that is the result of everyone's input and experience is that of Open Source Software using a CVS model. Basically, it's structured around one code tree consisting of all the code necessary to create, build, and use a particular software implementation. Parts of this code tree are then checked out by individuals to be improved upon. These improvements are then checked back in so that others can critic and further improve the codebase.
6. 1. It says that design must be done collaboratively in the open with all "stakeholders" present. This will allow for everyone to bring forth their individual expertise in their subject-matter. The individuals experience can then be melded with everyone else's to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts. It then goes on the explain the EDC which is an implementation of a particular solution to the problem of design using the articles ideas.
6. 2. Learning should also be done collaboratively. With one teacher to guide the discussion and give input using his expertise. The main point of learning, however, should be to surround the student in the subject-matter so as to improve upon the students learning. The learning experience should also be improved with discussion between classmates.
6. 3. Upon the subject of collaboration, the articles main point is that collaboration is good, and should implemented in preference to current models. Basically, collaboration is the next step in learning, depiction of solutions, and design.
6. 4. As for innovative media support, the article suggests the use of computers to facilitate both learning and designing. However, it's true genius lies in its suggestion that the computer no longer be the center of work, that it should only be a tool that helps in simulating proposals.
7. Finding more examples of situations like the EDC and studying. Then, comparing these newly found models, we would compare them to our theory and to the EDC. If they are found to be more effective than the EDC, the theory should be revised. Also, new theories of learning and design should be proposed and studied in correlation to our HCI model.