Assignment 2: Review of the article: Making Learning a Part of Life-Beyond the "Gift Wrapping" Approach to technology.
1. What did you find
1. interesting about this article
In this article the author has refuted the conventional beliefs about learning and explained why and how we should percieve learning as a lifelong activity. The most interesting part of this article is where the author points that children need tools and artifacts to work with in order to learn better and that workers (people who have moved out of the institutes) need to learn while they are working. This idea is very profound and explains the need to integrate learning with work and vice versa. It clearly explains both the changes suggested in the article: need to change the institutional persective of learning and the organisational perspective of learning.
2. not interesting about the article
All the concepts in this article were novel and interesting.
2. What do you consider the main message of the article?
According to me the main message of the article is that though changing our concept of learning from something that ends in school to something that spans our entire lifetime means changing all the institutional, organisational and mental frameworks, we need to do it in order to enable technology to become useful rather than just usable.
3. click on one of the words in blue and see what happens? this feature useful?
When I click on the words in blue it leads me to the meaning of the word. These explanations are stored in a jargon file. This feature is extremely useful as these explanations help you understand the word in case you are not aware of its meaning at all or helps you understand the word better/ helps you understand its meaning in the given context. This feature is a perfect example of two ideas "learning on demand" and "contextualised information". which other situations have you encountered this feature?
I have never come across a feature like this before.
4. global learning theories and approaches you know any of the people mentioned in the diagrams:
I am aware of the names: Jean Piaget, Skinner and Seymour Papert.
2. select one of the six case you know something - and write a paragraph what she/he has contributed to a deeper understanding of learning? case you do not know something, find out something about her/him - and write a paragraph what she/he has contributed to a deeper understanding of learning?
Jean Piaget was a Swiss philosopher and psychologist who studied child behaviour and concluded that there were logically ordered thought processes in the seemingly illogical behaviour of a child.
His theories are similar to the ones that form the impetus for the work done at the L3D i.e. learning is not absorbing knowledge but constructing knowledge. He suggested and also proved that a child understands well only those concepts that he/she invents himself and not what is presented to him by an instructor. Also he argued that most of the knowledge that a child posses is actually constructed with time as his understanding about things improve.