CSCI-7212 Homework 2
Tomohiro Oda
1. what did you find
1.1. interesting about the article?
I think arguments in the paper implies that systems which support learning activities will, regardless if they are computer systems or not, have to adopt comming new contexts, new situations, new thinkings and doings, and new (refined) definition. I don't think any pre-configured systems can employ such features, but systems which are re-configurable, combinable to other systems and modifiable by teachers and learners can do. I agree with descriptions about open source in Transcending the Individual Human Mind-Creating Shared Understanding through Collaborative Design in this sense.
I'm also interested in Figure 4: Beyond Skinner & Taylor because I think the L3D's arguments in Figure 4 are also true in software developments.
1.2. not interesting about the article?
I don't find any non-interesting description in the paper.
However, I don't agree with a line in the section 5;
"It will change (snipped) individuals, e.g.,(snipped) who will have a desire to become independent of high-tech scribes in personally meaningful and important activities."
I don't think people have to be independent of high-tech scribes, but I do think people would be better to collaborate better each other including high-tech scribes. This is my interpretation of taking benefits of the symmetry of ignorance.
2. what do you consider the main message of the article?
Learning is not a well-defined task in a certain place with a particular situation, but on-going and continuing activity throughout a life.
3. click on one of the words in blue and see what happens?
3.1. is this feature useful?
Yes. I found some words (e.g. information delivery) which I thought I knew its meaning but actually used in different(or additional) meaning.
I think this feature opened (or guided) my "D4-D3" region.
3.2. in which other situations have you encountered this feature?
As said above, I clicked on unknown words and some of "I-think-I-know-this" words. The feature worked for the both situations.
4. global learning theories and approaches
4.1. do you know any of the people mentioned in the diagrams:
Papert — I just know he is the inventor of turtle graphics
4.2. select one of the six
Skinner —
I googled and found http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/databank/entries/bhskin.html
He developed a model of operant conditioning which is a model of learning; a learner first act randomly and learns appropriate behaviors according to rewards and punishments. His model is widely applied to machine learning.