This is very interesting article. One of thing I found particular interesting is the basic cycle for the best-practice knowledge management process. I think different academic or industrial group will implement their own cycle of knowledge hub based on this basic cycle.
I don't see any topic covered in the article to be not interesting. Rather, I think some topic should be developed or discussed in more detail. One of such topic is the vitual communities. Authors believe that the virtual communities are essentila for the knowledge management, but they didn't the detailed discussion on how to build the infrastructure for the virtual communites. The only two technologies they mentioned are XML and wireless device.
The main theme of the paper is to discussion different aspects of today's knowledge management and the stradegies to run the best-practice knowledge management process.
The strength of knowledge management is to acknowlegde the symmetry of igorance, and collaboration of all the participants, and treat each stakeholders equally on the involvement of the process. This active collaboration will generate syngery effect on the creativity of new idea and in turn increase the productivity. I could not give a real weakness for the knowledge management. The only thing that I can think on this is that it is not easy to carry out all the processes involved in this, and old ways to do things may put some obstacles for people to participate in the so called "knowledge hub" acitively.
Push approach tends to provide user the information without user's request. The system may use some mechanisms to determine what may be helpful to the user. But it's the system not user determine which information should be presented. In contrast, Pull approach is more controlled by the user in sense that user decide what information she/he need, and request the system to provide such a information. In Push approach, you can only find the information you need by analyzing all the information that is pushed to you, which may wast your time on analyzing the information you don't need. But push approach may provide some information that you are not aware of and is turned out to be helpful. In Pull approach, it is more like learning on demand, you, as user, decide what is helpful to the problem, therefore, it is less annoying, and more efficient, but you may end up with losing the information that is helpful but beyond your knowledge of knowing it.
The knowledge management is all about implementation of the best knowledge and producing and evaluating new knowledge. All these analysis are based on the current knowledge on a particular subject. In you can not keep track of current knowledge, you will not be able to create new knowledge, and you may end up with reinventing the wheel.
This is regarding the role of knowledge management in organizing, evaluating, comparing all the related current knowledge on a particular subject. Without this process, you can not find the best practice knowledge. With implementation of knowledge hub described in fig.1, the system will learn, compare, evaluate and produce the best innovation from a bunch of innovations coming from different resources.