Dipti Mandalia
Assigment 15
1. What did you find
a. Interesting about the article?
The most interesting part of the article is the technical road map that illustrates the role of computational technology on the path to reach the new era in knowledge management. This approach makes it easier to understand how AI plays a role in the development of knowledge management. It also sketches in detail as to where we stand and what steps we need to take in order to achieve a "knowledge powered" society.
b. Not interesting about the article?
There is nothing in this article that I dint like or found not interesting.
2. What do you consider the main message of the article?
The article explains that issues in the knowledge management are of technology, process, people and content. This article elaborates on the role that AI can play in the development of knowledge management especially in knowledge acquisition and information organization. It also explains how AI technologies need to be changed a bit and also need to be blended into the non-AI technologies that are already in use.
3. What are
1. The strengths / successes and
Knowledge management facilitates knowledge reuse, thereby reducing the effort, time etc. in achieving tasks that are already accomplished by some one else. People can share and record their experiences and thus when they are faced by a problem the chances of repeating a mistake, using a less efficient process etc. reduces, thereby increasing productivity. If the right communities are formed and efficient atmosphere is developed knowledge management can take the organization a long way as far as productivity and efficiency is concerned.
2. The weaknesses /failures of knowledge management?
The main problem with knowledge management is the motivation that is needed to keep the reseeding/revising process ongoing. For knowledge management to be effective, each and every member of the organization should participate, thus the basic requirement is that the interface for knowledge acquisition be simple. However if the technology used for expert systems is deployed in the knowledge acquisition it no longer leaves the interface simple. These and other technology related problems are the weaknesses of knowledge management.
3. How would you differentiate between "pull" and "push" approaches in knowledge management? What are the trade-offs between the two approaches? In which situations would you use one or the other approach?
An example of push-technology in knowledge management would be when the system suggests/forces the user to change something or use a piece of information (E.g. In Codebroker when the system presents pieces of software when it does semantic analysis of the user's context). An example of a pull technology is when the user searches for something in say the project archive or the best-practices database.
When the use of a particular idea is necessary, say when the company has a history of employees using a wrong approach and the company suffering due to those wrong means or when the company knows for sure that a particular approach is the best way to do a particular thing, push-technology should be implemented. However use of push-technology sometimes tends to kill the creativity of the people involved. Thus when the situations faced by the employees is not radical and use of new ideas and approaches is not too risky, pull-technologies should be used.
4. Please discuss why and how the two following quotes are (or are not) relevant for knowledge management:
1. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." (George Santayana)
This quote is extremely relevant to knowledge management. It could be used in context with situations where the employees sometimes make the same mistakes as their colleagues because they do not get a chance to learn from others mistakes. However knowledge management assures that this does not happen. All such mistakes, experiences are recorded in the databases and thus can be pushed/pulled out whenever needed.
2. "Innovation is everywhere; the difficulty is learning from it" (John Seeley Brown)
This quote is also relevant to knowledge management. I think it refers to the difficulties faced on the motivational and in general of all kinds, faced in knowledge acquisition and revising. People are in general hesitant about building the databases/knowledge bases used in knowledge management and also in maintaining them.