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Prototyping Open Hypermedia Extention on LivingOM
Progress Report
What has been done
- Implementation
Initial prototypes of forwarder page named lomMirror and proxy server named lomScope have been implemented.
Course Announcement page on this site can be a good demonstration of the prototypes' functionality.
The two prototypes are accessible only within Dept. of Computer Science due to firewall.
- Position of the systems in stories of "Organizing Genius"
I've roughly read through the book Organizing Genius and found an interesting description about XEROX PARC. When they invented GUI with mouse, Steven Jobs instantly understood the impact of the invention by seeing its demo. However, the relationship and communication between PARC and XEROX were unfortunate. PARC people didn't really respect XEROX managers and XEROX manager didn't understand what Jobs instantly understood. It is ironical that Macintosh is popular in Desk Top Publishing which is supposed to be a XEROX's territory.
I think there was a problem in artifact incorporation and its interpretation.
I believe that the "Document Company" had their own problem frames on "documents", but they unfortunately failed to incorporate outcomes of PARC, namely personal computing environment with GUI and mouse, into their own problem frames.
I think lomScope and lomMirror could help XEROX managers to understand discussions among PARC researchers by explaining their state-of-art terminologies, and then the result could be different.
What will be done
The current implementation of lomMirror has many magic constants such as source URL in source code; they should be user modifiable via web interface.
lomMirror also does not support POST method of HTTP, which is used in swiki and many other form submission pages.
I will also read the book "Organizing Genius" carefully to identify occurences of artifact incorporation.
Semester Design Project Home Pages