Capturing and Presenting Relevant Information in the EDC
Project Status
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Our progress thus far in the project has been focused on information gathering and initial design. We have broken the problem into three components
- Information Sources
- where does information exist that can be used in the EDC?
- Information Retreival
- How is information brought into the EDC?
- Information Presentation
- how is information brought to the attention of the EDC participants?
Our goal for the project is now to take this information and present it to Hal Eden and Eric Scharff, and to identify our most fruitful coarse of action. First, a thorough workflow needs to be developed that integrates the three components of the project, second we believe that a prototype of this system could be developed in a reasonable time frame, though scope of such must be considered.
Information Sources
As the system we intend to design should be able to retrieve relevant information from a variety of sources, we started by identifying potential information sources. These are listed below.
- Periodicals
- Newspapers (Ex: Boulder Daily Camera)
- Magazines (Ex: Newsweek)
- Secondary News Sites (Ex: Slashdot)
- Proffesional Resources
- Journals (Ex: Communications of the ACM)
- Past EDC Sessions (Ex: Participant feedback)
Periodicals like the Daily Camera are perhaps the most likely place to find information related to Boulder transportation. It should be noted that many periodicals are available in one form or another online. These digital sources are better targets for automated informational retrieval than paper sources are.
Secondary news sites tend to filter through content generated by others and provide links to the original sources. If a secondary site was focused on issues relating to Boulder transportation, it might be a good target for finding solid information.
Resources who target professional transportation engineers may be of some use to EDC users. If they can be retrieved with some ease, normal citizens could have access to professional sources.
Finally, past EDC sessions could be summarized and provided to current EDC users.
Information Retreival
- Formats
- Bots
- Automated spidering of specific resources.
- Specific delivery of resources during sessions.
- Manual
- Ability to browse current repository of resources.
In an ideal world, every document we might be interested in would be already categorized for us by RDF. In such a wonderful world, all we would have to do is go out and look for these documents, bring some back to the EDC and use search criteria against their descriptions. Unfortunately, only a small minority of content providers have taken the effort to classify their documents using RDF.
A more likely way of gathering documents will be to set a spidering robot out to search a content site. The bot would have to intelligently locate articles that are likely of interest to EDC users and bring those back to the EDC.
It is our beliefe that the EDC should maintain a local database that would be populated by these agents for recall as needed during EDC sessions. This would speed the ability of the EDC to recall resources, and allow the gathering agent more time to process online resources.
We should also provide some mechanism for manually inputing resources into the reflection space of the EDC. If somebody types up a really great resource on a typewriter, we should be able to scan that in and view it in the reflection space.
Information Presentation
- Main index
- Session specific information
the main focus of this project will be providing relevant content to EDC participants in a timely manner. We believe the reflection space os the most likely cantidate for this information, we also believe that this information would best be provided in a "pull" manner rather than "push"ed to the user (in this area we might explore the results of the project on critics in the EDC). Access could be provided either by placing a piece on the board or by a link in the reflection space.
Furthermore, we believe that EDC users should be able to directly browse the EDC's repository of information.
Current Systems
- Search Engines
- News Portals
Current Design:
While it would be relatively straight forward to search a single data feed (for instance the Daily Camera online) for transportion articles and present those in the reflection space, a naive approach would make expansion to multiple data feeds difficult. Our design attempts to address the needs of multiple data sources, difficult categorization problems and presentation issues. Keeping this system modular will create an decent oppurtunity for expansion.
Architecture Components
- Agents: Information retrieval agents will be written to go out and bring back articles which are likely to be useful. Each agent will be written to retrieve information from a specfic target. These targets could be as focused as the Daily Camera or as broad as all known professional journals of transportation design. To address the need of adding information manually. One "agent" would be created to handle that specific task.
- Organizer: The agents will go out and retrieve information from a variety of differant sources, but will be required to present that information to an organizing tier in a specific (yet to be determined) way. The organizer's role will be to categorize and/or label this information in a way that it will be useful to the EDC users. Perhaps the easiest and most effective organizer design will be a simple interface which lets a human categorize freshly retrieved articles. A variety of AI schemes could be created, but humans tend to be better at understanding where other humans will look for information than computers are.
- Presentation: This tier will display the information in a way consistant with the organizer. It should also provide a mechanism for prompting the agents to go do work. We really haven't decided on the best way to display or categorize this information so our discussions on this tier have been a bit under-pursued.