Capturing and Presenting Relevant Information in the EDC
Project Proposal
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Jackson Fox
Eric Minick
Currently in Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory (EDC) problem solving situations, participants must provide all relevant information for the task at hand. While few problems exist that have not been encountered by others, any information relevant to EDC problem-solving sessions must be brought to the session by participants.
This project will seek to explore how external information sources relevant to EDC problem-solving sessions might be automatically captured and presented to participants. In particular, we seek to explore the extent to which the EDC should provide external information, how such information could be best presented to participants, and furthermore how external information sources might be integrated in to the EDC architecture.
Community oriented problems, such as the EDC might help to solve, would seem to rarely to be unique to any community. Indeed, a wealth of information is available online that would help problem-solvers in their decision making. However, this information must be brough into the EDC by participants, and as a result is not responsive to a dynamic environment such as the EDC. Providing external information sources automatically to particpants would help to facilitate EDC sessions by providing relevant and timely information on the problem at hand.
Residents of North Boulder are working with the Boulder Shelter for the Homeless and RTD to reroute the Skip bus line near its northern terminus using the EDC. The Homeless Shelter is moving locations and local residents and the Shelter feel the Skip route needs to modified accordingly. This has been a controversial issue in Boulder for some months, and numerous opinions have been published in local papers.
We plan to being by investigating the following issues:
- What kind of external information sources would be appropriate to capture?
- How will relevancy be determined for information sources?
Once these issues have been explored, we would like to begin investigating the following question:
- How can this information be captured automatically and incorporated into the EDC?
Our goal is to create a workflow and associated architecture for incorporating external information sources into the EDC. IF possible, we would like to extend the project to include a prototype of the system.
Arias, E. G., Eden, H., Fischer, G., Gorman, A., & Scharff, E. (2000) "Transcending the Individual Human Mind–Creating Shared Understanding through Collaborative Design," ACM Transactions on Computer Human-Interaction, 7(1), pp. 84-113.