Eric Minick
Homework 13
1) What do I find interesting? (Or Not)
I really found this chapter interesting. The contrast between
the adult run model and the community of learners model really piqued
my interest. A few of the points were rehashed several times, but not
so much as to make me lose interest.
2) What do I consider to be the main message?
The main message was to expose the reader to the community of
learners model. The adult-run and child-run models are given to
provide context. There appears to be relatively little differance
between the facts which are learned under the various models. The
models do have differant effects on how children learn to learn
3) Which technologies are used / can be used /should be used to support?
1. adult-run education
In an adult run enviroment, the biggest challenge is
effectively getting information from the adult to the student.
Photocopies, handouts on the internet and other information
distribution technologies are very effective here.
2. child-run education
I really don't have as a good of a grasp on child run
education and don't think I can answer this well.
3. community of learners education
Here, tools like the Swiki that foster collaboration even
when the students are physically seperated can be a great help.
Information distribution tools like posting handouts on the internet
will have limited effect here. There is no one source of information
and each student / group of students would have a differant need for
information anyway.
4). analyze our course from the three dimensions:
1. adult-run education
Our courrse is largely instructor run. There are a couple reasons
for this. The first is that we are in a field were the instructor has
expertise. Students can recognize this and take the easy road out.
With relatively little extra work on their part, the students can sit
back, shut-up and have someone inform them. This is much less work
than doing independant research and/or collaborating.
2. child-run education
It is rare in our class for something to be entirely studnet driven.
3. community of learners education
This is the second best model for explaining our class. We
participate in several small group projects which are guided by the
instructor. It could be argued that these are self driven projects but
it says a lot when each independant research project group uses the
reccommended book as a starting place. The summarizers model for these
homeworks is also instructor guided small group collaboration