1.1 what did you find interesting about the article?
This is a paper to explore and compare different methologies of learning. The most interesting things in this paper is the systematic review on Conmmunity of Leaner Model, and its experimental uasage of the model in school. All the models has its advantages and disadvantages. They can all be applied appropriately under different situations. I seems to me that authors strongly criticize the one-sided models. One example used for adult-run model is to quote a chemistry teacher for his beliefs of learing process. I found the criticism by authors are not totally soundly founded, especially given the subject of learning of bein chemistry. At early stage of learning of some subjects like chemistry and anatomy, the memoriztion without understanding is a part of learning. There are no much to understand about for these subject at the begining, therefore his approach is understandable. I feels that all the three learning models have their important roles during the entire learning process, and I believe our class is an example that combines all three models.
1.2.not interesting about the article?
Nothing is really not interesting. But I found the authors focused mainly on the differences among the three models of learning. My personal view is that all the three models are needed to be involved in learning at different stages and for different group of peoples. I hope I can find out more on how these three models complement each other.
2.what do you consider the main message of the article?
The main theme of the paper is to compare the theories of learning. One of the theories is tranformaion of participation, which is represented by Commmunity of Leaners Model. Another theory is one-sided participation, which is represented by two opposite models, Adult-run Model and Children-run Model. The best of the model is the Commuinty of Leaners, in which all participants are involved in the learning processes. This model is not "optimal blend" of the two one-sided models. There is no passive and active players in Community of Leaners .
3.which technologies are used / can be used /should be used to support education
I think two kinds of technologies can be used in adult-run education. One is the technologies that will help teachers to become more efficient and more productive. The technologies in this categories that are used /can be used may include the teaching instruments (like models used in chemistry and anaotmy classes), grading software to grade assignment more quickly and accurately. Another kind of technology may mainly be used to activate the motivation of the students by creating an environments to make the learning more fun and interesting. The technologies can be all the related multimedia tools, video tapes for the subject. The 3-D virtual reality technology may also be used in the future for this purpose.
3.2.child-run education
In this model, I think all the techologies that can create an enviornment to help student learn to efficiently would help. Like mentioned in above, all the teaching models, computer software, video, and other multimedia technologies. of learners education
In this models, the communication and collaboration are more important. Therefore, all the technologies that can facilitate these processes would be needed. Technologies like web-conferece, swiki, moos that can make peoples communite more effeciently and conviniently
will play a role here. Meanwhile, all the tools we used in our lab to facilitate the collaboration more effective are also needed. Since different subject of learning requires different environment, I believe in future more and more subject-oriented collaboration technologies will come out to be used in this model of learning.
4.analyze our course from the three dimensions: education
Our class is a typical example of mixture of three models of learning. In class, it uses adult-run model. The topics and reading materials are chosen by the professor since he is the authority in the area. Child-run education is not appropriate in this class since the students has little academic background to guide her/himself to complete the course. All the students choose the class by his/her own, therefore we all have strong motivation to learn in the class.
All these make a ault-run model an good choice.
4.2.child-run education
The model is mainly used in the after-class activity. We read and explore to other related area to learn more about the subject for this class. Different person may find different things to meet his/her own interest and demand in this models. For example, the course project and independent project would involve lots of child-run model. of learners education
Usage of Community of Learners Model is unique for this class. This model is used most in the lab when we involved in decision process of optimal tranportion for a town. We use tools that are especially designed for effecient collaboration, and we are more involved in the decision making and more involved in collaboration with other students. There are more collaboration invloved in course and independent projects. Finally, we have supported by experienced group of professor and TAs during the whole process. All these are the characteristics of this learnig model.