Dipti Mandalia
Assignment 12
1. How many programming languages have you used? C, C#, JAVA, SQL, HTML, Lisp, Prolog, VB, Squeak.
2. In your experience what is the most difficult part of learning new programming? From my recent experience of learning Squeak, I think the most difficult part in learning Squeak is knowing which classes are inbuilt in the system. Also in other languages, the most difficult part is knowing all the utilities provided by the system.
3. How you ever found that you have accidently implemented a function that is in the library already? Yes, I have done this a number of times. Most of the times these are input, sort, search etc. functions which I am comfortable implementing. However the problem is that these functions are a part of a huge program this time and thus coding say a sort function is easy but makes the code unnecessarily long and also increases the chances of creating bugs. But since I am not sure if the function is already present in the system I end up coding it.
1. What did you find interesting in the article? The use of "push technology" instead of "pull technology" for implementating a reuse repository was the most interesting aspect of this research project. Of all these, the use of retrieval-by-reformation and the use of the discourse model were very good.
Not interesting in the article I did not find anything particularly not interesting in the article.
Do you have any ideas on how this research should be extended based on your experiences? I dont know if my response to this question can be classified as an extension to this research per se, but I would like to investigate on the motivational factor involved in reuse. What I would like to investigate is: to what extend do the software developers actually "prefer"/"like" to use the modules suggested to them by the Codebroker. Are they particularly skeptical about the validity or aptness of the functions suggested to them by the system, and do they always agree with the system when it claims that a particular module will be conducive to their code?