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History of this Page (hw9-John DeRiggi)

This document contains a history of this page, from the current version to the earliest one available.

Version   Name   User   Date   Time  
current   hw9-John DeRiggi   deriggi   20 February 2002   2:32 pm
hw9-John DeRiggi   deriggi   20 February 2002   2:26 pm
hw9-John DeRiggi   deriggi   20 February 2002   2:25 pm
hw9-John DeRiggi   deriggi   20 February 2002   2:20 pm
hw9-John DeRiggi   deriggi   20 February 2002   2:15 pm
hw9-John DeRiggi   deriggi   20 February 2002   2:13 pm
hw9-John DeRiggi   deriggi   20 February 2002   2:04 pm
hw9-John DeRiggi   deriggi   20 February 2002   2:03 pm
hw9-John DeRiggi   deriggi   20 February 2002   1:56 pm
hw9-John DeRiggi   deriggi   20 February 2002   1:47 pm
hw9-John DeRiggi   deriggi   20 February 2002   1:44 pm
hw9-John DeRiggi   deriggi   20 February 2002   1:30 pm
hw9-John DeRiggi   deriggi   20 February 2002   1:29 pm
hw9-John DeRiggi   deriggi   20 February 2002   1:27 pm
hw9-John DeRiggi   eccr225mac209.Colorado.EDU   20 February 2002   1:21 pm