Jon Marbach
Assignment 8
February 18th, 2002
What is your favorite web-based collaborative technology (provide a URL)?
Well, I wish I had a more exciting answer.
The only web based collaborative technology I've used (besides the very cool Swiki...) is a web interface for searching the archives of mailing lists. That's especially handy for mailing lists that are based around asking for "expert advice" rather than general discussion. The one I'm referring to in particular is Microsoft's DirectXDev list which is, as the name would suggest, for DirectX developers.
I wonder, can you consider Ebay collaborative? I'm thinking more for its user feedback system than anything else. For that matter, you might call's reader reviews system collaborative too...
What makes it stand apart from the others you know about?
These stand out from the others because they're really the only ones I know or have used. (Again, besides the Swiki!)