1 Interesting about the article
The description of how we embedd crtiquing into our thought process gave an outline of how humans go about designing things. The kitchen was a good example of how embedding critiquing into the design process works.
2 Not interesting about the article
I thought that the article was entirely interesting. However I would have liked to see a few specific examples of embedded critiquing and its success.
3 The main message of the article
The main message of the article was that embedded critiquing is necessarry for a successful design activity. By embedding critiquing into the design activity, the participants are incorporating a wider range of input and information on the problem they are solving
4 Other critiquing
Like many editors, JBuilder checks for syntax errors in your code while you are typing it. This allows you to take care of almost all syntax problems before you compile the program. Then, after compiling you can spend more time working on broader issues like logic and general design. Other examples of systems that receive real time input include Unmanned Areial Vehicle technology. These devices regularly reevaluate there status and make decisions based on this input.