Brad Myers

Brad Myers
Human Computer Interaction Institute
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University

Dr. Brad A. Myers is a Professor in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He is an ACM Fellow, winner of six best paper awards, and a member of the CHI Academy, an honor bestowed on the principal leaders of the field. He is the principal investigator for the Natural Programming Project and the Pebbles Handheld Computer Project, and previously led the Amulet and Garnet projects. He is the author or editor of over 350 publications, including the books "Creating User Interfaces by Demonstration" and "Languages for Developing User Interfaces," and he has been on the editorial board of five journals. He has been a consultant on user interface design and implementation to over 60 companies, and regularly teaches courses on user interface design and software. Myers received a PhD in computer science at the University of Toronto where he developed the Peridot user interface tool. He received the MS and BSc degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology during which time he was a research intern at Xerox PARC. From 1980 until 1983, he worked at PERQ Systems Corporation. His research interests include user interface development systems, user interfaces, handheld computers, programming environments, programming language design, programming by example, visual programming, interaction techniques, and window management. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, and also belongs to SIGCHI, ACM, the IEEE Computer Society, and Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.

He is working on the Creative-IT Pilot project titled: "Exploratory Programming for Interactive Behaviors: Unleashing Interaction Designers’ Creativity" as part of the Natural Programming Project. The Creative-IT project is called Euclase, which stands for: End User Centered Language, APIs, System, and Environment.